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World­wide Trading Fleets

We arrange tailor-made insu­rance concepts for seagoing vessels of all types – from contai­ners, bulk carriers, tankers to project and heavy lift vessels. In coope­ra­tion with over 100 renowned insu­rance compa­nies, we protect shipow­ners and their assets against any perils of the sea. Thanks to our diver­si­fied port­folio of medium-sized ship­ping compa­nies and well-known blue-chip fleets, we hold a leading market posi­tion, which enables us to nego­tiate cost-effi­cient insu­rance solu­tions for our clients.


Char­te­rers & Traders

Char­te­rers & Traders are exposed to a multiple risks arising from their daily opera­tion. Ther­e­fore, our industry experts are thoroughly checking the required coverage and arrange insu­rance protec­tion against damage to hull and cargo, personal injury, pollu­tion, and fines.


Inland Water­ways

Our inland port­folio is served by a specia­lised team with many years of expe­ri­ence in this field. Toge­ther with our part­ners from the insu­rance industry we offer a large variety of insu­rance products for inland tankers, dry cargo vessels, tugs, barges, dred­gers and specia­lized vessels.


Marine & Energy

Offshore units opera­ting in the wind, oil & gas industry are exposed to various risks emana­ting from their area of opera­tion. We counter these risks with sophisti­cated insu­rance solu­tions without any coverage gap.



Cruises with nume­rous passen­gers on the high seas or even on the great rivers of this world require special insu­rance setups. We have been fami­liar with these chal­lenges for many years and deliver suitable insu­rance solu­tions for your fleet.



We offer insu­rance solu­tions to protect shipy­ards and shipow­ners exposed to all kinds of repair liabi­lity risks – for conver­sion work or complete newbuilds, from steel cutting to delivery.



We provide bespoke insu­rance cover for yacht owners and mana­gers, ranging from single yacht poli­cies up to whole fleet solu­tions. Our yacht team arranges hull and liabi­lity insu­rances for a large port­folio of super­yachts with repu­table inter­na­tional insurers.


Ports & Terminals

We provide insu­rance cover to terminal opera­tors and port autho­ri­ties facing diverse risks in their opera­tion. For property, equip­ment-hand­ling, busi­ness inter­rup­tion risks and marine liabi­lity we can offer appro­priate insu­rance products.



We iden­tify the indi­vi­dual insu­rance requi­re­ments of your company and nego­tiate suitable insu­rance poli­cies. In our partner network, as an inde­pen­dent insu­rance broker we offer you a service port­folio for all topics, sectors and insu­rance solutions.


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